Specializes in civil law, international projects, intellectual property.
Tatiana Mikoni is the partner of the Private Clients Practice and the head of the Pro Bono practice of S&K Vertical, specializes in the structuring of non-commercial projects, intellectual property law, family law and cross-border payments. She has considerable experience in providing legal assistance to state and private organizations engaged in the implementation of Russian and international projects in the sphere of culture.
Tatiana Mikoni’s projects are included in the Legal500 and IFLR1000 international ratings in the “Private Clients” and “M&A” categories. The leading Russian ratings Pravo.ru-300 and Kommersant annually recognize Tatiana Mikoni’s projects in the “Family and Inheritance Law” and “Private Capital” categories. Tatiana Mikoni occupies leading positions in the Best Lawyers individual rating in the “Family Law”, “Charity and Non-Profit Organizations” categories (2019-2021). In 2017 and 2020, the Pro Bono projects managed by Tatiana Mikoni, were recognized the most significant projects of the year by the Pravo.ru-300 rating.
Tatiana Mikoni graduated from the Law School of the St. Petersburg State University in 2006; Master of Law (LLM) of Stockholm University, 2008. Since 2010, Tatiana has been teaching at the Law Department of the St. Petersburg State University. In 2021, Tatiana Mikoni became the Doctor of Juridical Science.
Full legal support for the activities of Alma Mater, the Foundation for Support of Social and Cultural Projects;
Represented the interests of the creditor bank in the bankruptcy proceedings on a large wholesale trade company, as a result of which the client was the only one among the creditors who recovered a substantial part of claimed amounts;
Provided legal support for the activities of a group of film-making companies in Russia, Ukraine, Germany, and the United Kingdom;
Developed and successfully implemented a scheme of financial support from a private funder for the state-owned cultural establishment;
the result of this project is the emergence of a significant cultural institution in Moscow;
Handled a shareholders agreement providing for a mechanism forced redemption of shares (BMBY) and subsequent forced redemption of shares in the interests of the client;
Carried out enforcement of the decision of a Russian arbitration court in China, which included the processes in the courts of the first and appeal instances and the actual collection of the debt;
Represented the interests of a software developer in a dispute with one of the largest mobile operators, which resulted in an amicable agreement which fully corresponded to the interests of the client;
Legal support for the participation of a private investor in a cultural and educational project in Moscow.
Я, в соответствии со статьей 9 Федерального закона от 27 июля 2006 года №152-ФЗ "О персональных данных", даю согласие Адвокатскому бюро Санкт-Петербурга "Эс энд Кей Вертикаль" (далее - Адвокатское бюро) на обработку моих персональных данных. Согласие распространяется на следующую информацию: мои ФИО, телефон, e-mail, иная информация, относящаяся к моей личности и указанная мной при заказе обратной связи на сайте http://skv.ru/
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Согласие предоставляется на осуществление любых действий в отношении персональных данных, которые необходимы для достижения вышеуказанных целей, включая сбор, запись, систематизацию, накопление, хранение, уточнение (обновление, изменение), извлечение, использование, передачу (распространение, предоставление, доступ), обезличивание, блокирование, удаление, уничтожение персональных данных.
При обработке персональных данных Адвокатское бюро имеет право применять различные способы их обработки, если такое право не ограничено действующим законодательством.
Настоящее согласие действует в течение 5 (пяти) лет со дня его получения, либо до дня получения Адвокатским бюро отзыва данного согласия в письменной форме.