Specializes in bankruptcy, litigation, corporate law, legal support for disputes with antitrust and tax authorities.
Alina Khammatova is in charge of this lawfirm’s projects in financial investigation, corporate law, civil and arbitration proceedings, manages projects related to the settlement of bad debts and complex legal support to bankruptcy procedures. Alina has extensive experience in legal support of disputes with antitrust and tax authorities.
Bankruptcy and corporate law dispute projects headed by Alina Khammatova are included into the leading Legal 500 and IFLR1000 international ratings. Pravo.ru-300 and Kommersant Russian ratings consistently include Alina Khammatova’s projects on the list of those most influential for the judiciary. The Best Lawyers international rating included Alina into the one-of-the-best list in the Bankruptcy and Restructurization category.
In 2013 Alina graduated from the Law School of the National Research University Higher School of Economics.
Alina Khammatova’s projects are included in the international (Chambers, Legal500, IFLR1000) and Russian (Pravo.ru-300, Kommersant) ratings.
Support for the bankruptcy procedure on a large machine plant. The registered creditors’ claims towards the debtor exceeded USD 60 mln;
Represented the interests of a bank (top-20 of Russian banks as per the amount of net assets) in a bankruptcy case of one of the largest work contractors in Saint Petersburg for an amount exceeding USD 60 mln;
Represented the interests of the beneficiary of a development company in a bankruptcy case for an amount exceeding USD 5 mln;
Represented the interests of one of the largest R&D institutes of the North-West Region of Russia in its disputes with governmental customers regarding state contracts (claims total amount exceeded USD 1 mln);
Represented the interests of a bank (top-20 of Russian banks as per the amount of net assets) in a case of release from payment under the bank guarantee for the amount of USD 4 mln;
Legal support for a bankruptcy procedure of one of the most important metal processing companies in the North-West Region of Russia for an amount exceeding USD 2 mln;
Represented the interests of one of the leading organizations engaged in the complex design of engineering and transport infrastructure, as well as sports and social facilities, in disputes with the Federal Antitrust Service and its territorial agencies (claims total amount exceeded USD 1 mln);
Represented the interests of a group of companies included in the top-3 producers of baked goods in the North-West Region of Russia and in the top-10 manufacturers of baked goods in Russia (transaction total amount exceeded USD 270 thousand);
Represented the interests of one of the largest development companies in Russia specializing in the construction and reconstruction of real estate by order of the state, in its dispute with a contractor (total amount of claims exceeded USD 10 mln);
Represented the interests of the participators of the largest car holding in the North-West Region of Russia in a corporate conflict (project’s total value exceeded USD 136 mln);
Represented the interests of a large agricultural supplier in its disputes with tax authorities for an amount exceeding USD 6 mln;
Legal support for individual bankruptcy procedures.
Я, в соответствии со статьей 9 Федерального закона от 27 июля 2006 года №152-ФЗ "О персональных данных", даю согласие Адвокатскому бюро Санкт-Петербурга "Эс энд Кей Вертикаль" (далее - Адвокатское бюро) на обработку моих персональных данных. Согласие распространяется на следующую информацию: мои ФИО, телефон, e-mail, иная информация, относящаяся к моей личности и указанная мной при заказе обратной связи на сайте http://skv.ru/
Согласие на обработку персональных данных дается мною в целях осуществления прямых контактов (в том числе по электронной почте, по телефону) при рассмотрении возможностей дальнейшего сотрудничества, в том числе при рассмотрении моей кандидатуры на замещение открытых вакансий в Адвокатском Бюро.
Согласие предоставляется на осуществление любых действий в отношении персональных данных, которые необходимы для достижения вышеуказанных целей, включая сбор, запись, систематизацию, накопление, хранение, уточнение (обновление, изменение), извлечение, использование, передачу (распространение, предоставление, доступ), обезличивание, блокирование, удаление, уничтожение персональных данных.
При обработке персональных данных Адвокатское бюро имеет право применять различные способы их обработки, если такое право не ограничено действующим законодательством.
Настоящее согласие действует в течение 5 (пяти) лет со дня его получения, либо до дня получения Адвокатским бюро отзыва данного согласия в письменной форме.